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Chakras Are Major Energy Gateways That Connect Us To The World Around Us.

Chakras Function as Receivers, Transmitters and Storage Centers for Energetic Information. When our chakras are clear and balanced we are in harmony with our surroundings and experience life with acceptance, understanding and gratitude. 

There Are 7 Major Chakras in the Human Body. In addition to the 7 Major Chakras, there are hundreds of other points on the body which serve a similar purpose on a smaller scale; acting as gateways for the transmission, storage & regulation of flows of energetic information both within our body and between our body and the outside world.

The majority of these points are located within the boundaries of the physical body; some however are located in the auric field outside the space of the physical body. 

The 7 Major Chakras

  • Root Chakra - located at the perineum - relates to basic physical survivial - provision of food, water & shelter for oneself and ones family. Also relates to connection to the earth, being present, feeling grounded. The root chakra is the 1st chakra.

  • 2nd Chakra - located about 2 inches below the navel - relates to creative and sexual energy as well as the center of physcial power in the body. the 2nd Chakra is also called the Dan Tien by those who study internal martial arts.

  • 3rd Chakra - located at the solar plexus - realtes to our self-identity, how we relate to the world around us; being in right relationshop with the web of life, understanding our place in the world in each moment.

  • 4th Chakra - located at the heart - love of self and others, bridge between the spiritual and physical worlds, s[piritual and physical aspects of self - the great transformer - the heart chakra allows us to translate divine inspiration into physical action through connection with our hands. Helps us to actualize our higher purpose for being in the world in the material plane and simultaneously obtain spiritual understanding of the actions of others.

  • 5th Chakra - locatd at the throat - relates to self expression, the ability to speak our truth and articulate our ideas, beliefs & insights.

  • 6th Chakra (3rd Eye) - located in the forehead, 1 inch above the center of the eyebrows - relates to psychic perception; mental and spiritual insight, perception of the subtle realms

  • 7th Chakra (Crown) - located at the top of the head - connection to the Creator and divine grace, heavenly inspiration, our link to the spiritual fabric of the universe - divine timing, being in the right place at the right time - spiritual peace.

Jeanni is a Certified Reiki Master. Click Here to Book Now for a Reiki Healing Session.

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